28 Februari 2011


Jadilah seperti vlogger yang professional. Jangan kerana nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga.
Elakkan perbalahan sesama blogger. Jadikan teguran sesama blogger sebagai satu yang positif.
Semakin lama semakin negatif pemikiran rakyat malaysia. Apa yang penting peranan kita mewujudkan masyarakat yang ke arah interkasi yang membina. 

/*rasa mcm aku nie menteri plak*/

27 Februari 2011

Membuka Link Secara Auto Cursor

Bagaimana nak membuka link dengan hanya gerakkan cursor ke text link?

1. Contoh dibawah; apabila cursor mouse anda scrool pada text apisv2. secara automatik akan ke link apisv2

2. Contoh dibawah; apabila cursor mouse anda scrool pada image. secara automatik akan ke link apisv2

Cara Meletakkan Like Button Facebook Di Setiap Post

1. Pergi pada dashboard >> design >> edithtml
2. Download template anda terlebih dahulu sebagai backup
3. Cari (CTRL+F) <data:post.body/>
4. Masukkan kod dibawah(copy and paste) selepas <data:post.body/>
5. Save template anda

kalau nak letak like atas post, masukan di antara <div class=’post-header-line-1′> dan </div>

Contest Banner Award Faceblog

Cara Membuat Drop Down Menu Html

1. Pergi pada design >> edit html
2. Download/ backup template anda terlebih dahulu
3. Click pada edit html box. Tekan CTRL+F dan cari
4. Kemudian copy dan paste code dibawah sebelum </head>

5. Cari kod h2{..}
6. Tambah kod dibawah

5. Save template anda
6. Lepas dah save, click pada design >> page element >> add gadget >> html/javescript
7. Copy dan paste kod dibawah.

8. Tukarkan Link dan http://Link.com
   Contoh: apisv2dan http://apisv3.blogspot.com
9. Save gadget anda.
screenshot. bila click blog list. akan keluar 4 link. bila click lagi sekali, akan hide list

Cara Menukar Saiz Blog

1. Click pada design >> template designer
2. Click pada advance>>add css
3. Copy dan paste css dibawah
4. Tukarkan saiz pixel blog anda.
5. Save

Cara Menukar Saiz Blog

26 Februari 2011

Wings - Mr.Barbarik

OpenGL Programming Part 2

The Sierpinski Gasket
• generated using randomly selected vertices
• is fractal, an object that can recursively and randomly;

• an attributes is any property that determines how a geometric primitives is to be rendered
• color
• styles
  -bold, italic, line
  -string, height, weight

• color model is an orderly system for creating a whole range of color from a small set of primary colors
• solid color
• two types of color models:

  •    RGB Color Model
  •    Use light to display color
  •    red+green+blue = white


  •    CMY Color Model
  •    substractive model using printing ink
  •    color result from reflected light
  •    cyan+magneta+yellow = black.

Color Model

Color Range
4 channels:Red, Green, Blue and Alpha (opacity/transparency).
• Each channel has intensity from 0.0 ~ 1.0
• Alpha is used in blending and transparency
• Ex: glColor4f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); //green
        glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); //white

Hidden Surface Removal
• How to apply HSR in OpenGL
   - glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DEPTH);
   - glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);

• In display function
  - glEnable(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);

Also called z-buffer

Koleksi Ceramah Dato Ismail Kamus

OpenGL Programming Part 1

What is OpenGL®
• graphic rendering Application Programming Interface
• high quality color images composed of geometric and image primitives
• window and operating system independent
• a library for 3D graphic and modelling
• portable and fast

The OpenGL Pipeline

The OpenGL® Standard
• an API not a language
• some graphic package include
  • Renderman
  • Renderware
  • DirectX

What can OpenGL® do?
• display primitives
• coordinate transform
• anti-aliasing
• pixel update operation
• display list

OpenGL® Primitives
• All geometric object in OpenGL are created from a set of basic primitives
• certain primitives are provided to allow optimization of geometry for improved rendering speed.
Line Based Primitives
Polygon Primitives

OpenGL Supports:
• phong illumination model
    -diffuse reflection
     -phong specular highlight
     -ambient illumination
• shading models
    -flat shading
    -gourand shading
    -phong shading

Relevent Library
• the GL library : core function of OpenGL; modelling, viewing, clipping, lighting
• The GL Utility (GLU) : create common object; sphere quadrics : special of standard views; perspective, orthographic
• The GL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) : provides the interface with the windowing system.
• window management, menus, mouse interaction

OpenGL Command Format

25 Februari 2011


• is a standard TCP/IP protocol for virtual terminal service
• this client-server application program enables the estabalisment of a connection to a remote system whereby the local terminal appears  to be a terminal at the remote system
• Windows versions also include Telnet Client and Telnet Server Component

Initiating And Using Telnet Session
Telnet Enable user:
• create remote command console session on a host
• run command line programs, shell commands, and script in aremote command console session

How Telnet Works
• To use Telnet you need to know IP adress of the host where the resource you want use
• When you contact the host; the distant computer and your computer negotiate how to communicate with each other
• When client and server communicate they use Telnet protocol
• You start manually / configure automatic every time you want to connect to a host
TELNET Software
Telnet In Windows XP
• Use Run dialog box
type: telnet mydomain.com
• Use Web browser
Enter: telnet://mydomain.com

Example of Telnet Client/Server
• Tlntsvr.exe(Telnet server) - preinstalled in windows os
• Telner.exeITelnet server) - preinstalled in windows ps

Telnet Limitation
• not design to transmit cursor movement or GUI information
• can only run command line programs, shell, commands, script, and batch files
• does not encrypt any data sent over the connection

Using Secure Shell Protocol (SSH)
• enable two computer to negogiate and estabalish secure connection that use encryption
• may stop cracker who try to sniff password and data
• provide secure communication for doing email and access web.

File Transfer And Remote File Access

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
• standard mechanism provided by TCP/IP for copying file from one host to another.
• FTP Site is a computer running an FTP server Application
• On FTP Server, a program called daemon allows to download and upload files
• FTP can transfer binary files over internet without encoding and decoding overhead
• FTP can upload files from your computer to another computer
• Large organization use mirror site; contain same set of files
• Mirror site serve as a backup for the main server if main server fails

How FTP Works
• FTP server identifies user based on user IDs
• FTP client / server create a session after you are logged on
FTP client has access to the file system on the server
FTP cliend / server software can access their individual file system in either direction

• FTP uses two well known port:
  • Port 20 for data connection
  • Port 21 for control connection

Requirement For Using FTP
  • An FTP client installed on the computer.
  • Login details of the FTP server to which you want to connect: 
  • The FTP server address. This looks a lot like the address you type in Internet Explorer to browse websites. One such example is “ftp://ftmk.utem.edu.my”. 
  • The user name and password required for the FTP connection. Some FTP servers let you connect to them anonymously. For anonymous connections, you do not need a user name and password.
FTP From A Command Prompt
•  Another similar FTP is TFTP (Trivial FTP)
•  TFTP has fewer command than FTP
•  TFTP used only to send and receive files.
•  It can be used for multicasting which a file is sent to more than one client at the same time using UDP

TFTP Usage And Design  Transfer files between process.
  Minimal overhead(no security)
  Easy to implement
  Small-possible to include firmware
  Used to bootstrap workstations and network devices.

TFTP Protocol

  •   Read request
  •   Write request
  •   Data
  •   ACK(acknowledgement)
  • •  Error

Java Drop Down List

javascript: copy/paste

/*klu xtahu, tanya kat sini*/

contoh java dropdown list:
SEARCH - Cinta Buatan Malaysia (1985)
1. Cinta Buatan Malaysia
2. Balada Pemuzik Jalanan
3. Cinta Pertama
4. Cinta Sepi
5. Isi Dan Kulit
6. Musafir

24 Februari 2011


Ok.. satu segmen menarik kejap lagi.. Sapa yang berminat untuk menyertai atau berada dalam senarai pelakon yang bakal diarahkan oleh blogger sendiri , sila isi borang.. hehe.. camana nak isi borang ?
Sila buat satu entri khas :
  1. Letak header BEN ASHAARI BLOG
  2. Tajuk SAYA NAK ! SAYA NAK ! dan linkkan ke entri ini ..
Tutup ? Kul 12 tengahari ini !! Sapa cepat , dia senaraikan di BENASHAARI2 dan selepas itu segmen kita bermula

3D Text Photoshop

23 Februari 2011

HDR Toning Photoshop

1. Open Image
2. Click image toolbar>>adjustment>>hdr toning 
3. kemudian pilih custom edit >> ejas graph tone image
hdr toning

Pejuang Blog

Sila tinggal kan URL blog korang, nanti senang member2 blog mengunjungi antara satu sama lain;)
nanti aku wat list blog korang. Kalau xder idea nk post entri jom share thumbnail, atau banner di atas kt blog korang.dan link kan ke tajuk post nie;D. Event nie xde expired date. kalau korang view post nie. korang tinggalkan je URL korg kt komen di bawah.ok?

copy kod diatas utk share thumbnail

Update BlogList

  1. GuwaRastamat
  2. wafiysuzly
  3. umealong
  4. cikimon
  5. saiffah
  6. hstoryofbella-belly
  7. ainkatie
  8. bird7842
  9. sum1buchuknya
  10. wrmrsbrown
  11. misssecreito
  12. livelaughloveofaida
  13. myxuramohdshukri
  14. syarq
  15. qasehdalia
  16. aidafarzanashamsuddin
  17. safiyahezora.blogspot
  18. ikachenta
  19. whateverwan
  20. ainlaxmana
  21. bambam-story
  22. aranaz13
  23. iamareallynicekiddo
  24. wanfeedahoney-myendlesslov
  25. kamaryeahtajuddin
  26. cikcleopatra
  27. angandansedar
  28. riezarchry.com
  29. informasi-kerjaya

Internet Infrastructure (Part 1)

Using Telephone Line To Connect To The Internet
You  Need:

  1. Modem: to transmit data over telephone line and software that allows the OS interact with the  modem
  2. Operating System: utility that allows you to configure the modem to connect to a specific ISP
  3. ISP User Information: tel. no, user ID, password, and other information need.
• responsible for managing communication between device and can be
reffered as Data Communication  Equipment (DCE) device
Data Terminal Equipment(DTE) using DCE to communicate with another device.

• Install and configure modem
if external modem: insert modem to a serial port
if internal modem: insert expansion slot (PCI slot) inside a computer.
• creating dialup connection: install dialup adapter
Dial-Up Networking: process enable a computer to use a modem and a telephone line to connect a network

• configure TCP/IP to connect to the cable modem
  (Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows 2000; TCP/IP is automatically installed; Windows98 must be isntall TCP/IP)

Connection Using Cable Modems
• the cable modem connect to a regular TV coaxial cord; which then connect to TV cable wall outlet.
• cable modem has an electrical connection to provide power to the box.

Connecting a PC on a LAN to the Internet
• the connection of the LAN always uses a network card
• but the connection to the ISP could be a
     network card
     •or ISDN card

Physically And Logically Dividing a Large Network
you can physically divide a network using hardware devices (segmentting the network)
you can logically divide the network using software setting (subnetting)
Bridges And Switch
more intelligent than hubs
•make decisssion involving whether to allow trafic to pass or route that traffic
use MAC address to subdivide a network into physical segments
Routing Table
is a database stored within a router that is used to find the best network path
Subnet Mask/Network Mask
used to defined which portion of an IP address identifies the network and which portion identifies the host

How Data Travels Across Interconnected Networks
responsible for helping data travel across interconnected network
• function as both a bridge and a router
•like switch route use table to determine the best route
unconcerned about the data, but concerned about the destination of data
•several protocol: RIP, BGP

Default Gateway
A default gateway is the router to which your computer addresses packet information for data destined for a computer on another network.

Internet Infrastructure (Part 2)

  1. Domain name are assign because ip address number are difficult to remember.
  2. The Last Segment = Suffix = Top-level Domain
  3. The First Word = identify subcategory = Canonical name (CNAME)
  4. Domain Name and ip address do not have permanantly related
  5. Two name resolution service
    • Domain Name System
    • Windows Internet Naming Service
     6. DNS has 3 logical Component:
    • computer searching for the ip, resolver
    • server contain information, name server
    • resolve domain name, namespace
     7. Discovering an ip address for a given domain = Address Resolution
         Process called = reverse mapping, reverse resolution
         network solution maintains servers = root servers
    8. Network  that support DNS ; primary name server,secondary name server(slave name server)
    9. The group of networks = name server's zone
        A zone can have a caching-only server that does not keep authoritative information
   10. Name server keeps entries for each domain name = resource record, DNS record
  • Address: Identifies the ip address of a domain name
  • CNAME: An alias that lets a host can be access
  • Name Serve: Identifies the IP add. of the primary and secondary name server for domain
  • Mail Exchanger: Identifies the mail exchanger on a domain
  • Start Of Authority (SOA): Identifies the ip address of the DNS server is the primary authority for a domain
  11. DNS began envolving in 1983 =  Host Table
  12. Directory Server = store info. about people, host and other resource
  13. Directory Access Protocol(DAP); X.500 = to allow directory service communicate with each other
  14. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol(LDAP) = to streamline the process

X.500 And LDAP Implementation
  • eDirectory(Novell Netware)
  • active Directory(Windows)
  • open directory(apple)
  • apache directory servere 
  • redhat directory serve
  15. LDAP was design to run over TCP and can be used on the internet or intranet
  16. LDAP has less code than DAP
  17. X.500 specifies how global directories can be structured

Advantage of X.500 and LDAP
  • Synchronization=directory on one server can be synchronize with the directory on another server
  • Replication=part of directory database on one server can copy itself to another server
  • Scalability=there is no limit to the size which the directory can grow
  Cache Servers
  Improve performance by caching data so that the internet is reduced

  Mirrored Servers
  Carried the same data and service as another server

PPP(Point to Point protocol)
  •intranet access point by telephone line
PPoE(Point to Point Over Ethernet)
  •adapts PPP to work with Ethernet
ISDN(Integrated Service Digital Network)
  •tech. develop in 1980, uses regular telephone line or dialup connection
  •refer to any type of networking that carries more than one type of transmission

T Lines & E Lines
•introduce in 1960
•use multiplexing, a process of dividing a single channel to multiple channel that can carry audio, video, or other.
•T lines- America; E Lines- European

X.25 And Frame Relay
• packet-switching communication protocol design for long distance data transmission
• both use PVC (permanent virtual circuit)

ATM(Ansyncronous Transer Mode)
• fast network tech. that can be used with LANs as well as WANs
SVCs(Switched Virtual Circuit)
• point to point connc. that depend on the atm to decide the best path to send data
Mesh Topology
• provides multiple point-to-point links between router in wide area network.
• router search out multiple path and determine the best path